In 1942, the Kaneohe Higashi Hongwanji was converted by the military into an infirmary and administrative offices for the duration of World War II. During this period, it was believed that the US government wanted to assume the title to the property and assets. Concerned directors met with John A. Burns, then-police officer and FBI detail, who advised the directors of their rights and suggested that they not sell the property to the government. Based on this advice the church was able to successfully halt the government confiscation.
During the time that the U.S. Government used the temple, they had raised the building and built what was called the basement and added offices onto the rear of the building. Upon their departure, the directors were asked whether they wanted the temple reverted back to its original condition. The directors decided wisely to keep the building as "improved" and the basement became the meeting area for the members and the back offices were soon to become the living quarters for the minister and his family.
By the late 1950s, the congregation had outgrown the small house that was being used as the temple.
A new, larger temple was built with the fund-raising efforts and hard labor by congregation members; ground-breaking for the new building was held in
June 1963, with dedication in August 1964.